Monday, March 9, 2020

Copan Notes essays

Copan Notes essays Maya rulers carved elaborate monuments that told stories of their ascent to the throne, their lineage, important battles, or other events. The Maya had a sophisticated and accurate calendar and a system of hieroglyphic writing. They dated many monuments and included the names of kings and when they reigned. There is one unfinished monument at Copan that can provide you with clues. Today, there are many people living in the Copan Valley. They grow corn, like the ancient Maya did before them. These modern farmers can provide clues to how ancient Maya farmers used the land. There are now about 25,000 people living in the Copan Valley, about the same number that lived there before Copan collapsed. There are two bone samples you can examine. They are both skulls of residents of Copan. Both were found buried a few miles from Copans center (or acropolis). What do these clues reveal about Copan? Record your thoughts in your journal. Plant and soil evidence can provide clues to what happened in the past. You may want to examine this pollen slide, which comes from a sample taken from the bottom of a bog in a farming area outside of Copan. ...